Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Week 5: Champion Popularity Contest

After 5 weeks of the NA LCS, let's look at the relative popularity of Champions (and their performance) in LCS matches.

1.  Most Picked Champions.

1st: Jarvan IV, appeared in 31 games.
2nd: Janna, appeared in 29 games.
3rd: Sivir, appeared in 26 games.

2.  Most Banned Champions.

1st: Lissandra, banned in 70% of games.
2nd: Kassadin, banned in 58% of games.
3rd: Rumble, banned in 48% of games.

3.  Most Popular All-Around (Picked + Banned).

1st: Lissandra, picked or banned in 96% of games.
2nd: Jarvan IV, picked or banned in 92% of games.
3rd: Kassadin, picked or banned in 84% of games.

4.  Most Likely to Go on a Rampage (Most Kills).

1st: Jinx, averaging 5.9 kills per game.
2nd: Nidalee, averaging 5.2 kills per game.
3rd: Graves, averaging 5.15 kills per game.

5.  Most Likely to Bite It (Most Deaths).

1st: Orianna, averaging 6.25 deaths per game.
2nd: Swain, averaging 5 deaths per game.
3rd: Azir, averaging 4.125 deaths per game.

6.  Most Likely to Donate to the Cause (Most Assists).

1st: Braum, averaging 10.5 assists per game.
2nd: Renekton, averaging 10.4 assists per game.
3rd: Alistar, averaging 10 assists per game.

7.  One-Hit Wonders.

All these champions have appeared only once on Summoner's Rift in the NA LCS: Alistar, Draven, Elise, Malphite, Nocturne, Swain, Veigar, and Yasuo.

8.  They Should be Banned.

These champions have only appeared as bans: Kennen and Pantheon.

9.  Most Total Kills.

1st: Sivir (115)
2nd: Graves (98)
3rd: Corki and Ahri (87)

10.  Most Total Deaths.

1st: Jarvan IV (97)
2nd: Rek'sai (78)
3rd: Maokai (67)

11.  Most Total Assists.

1st: Jarvan IV (299)
2nd: Janna (272)
3rd: Morgana (214)

12.  Win Rates (the Top Ten Most Valuable Champions).

1.  Nidalee (4 games, 100% win rate)
2.  Jax (2 games, 100% win rate)
3.  Alistar, Nocturne, Veigar (1 game each, 100% win rate)
6.  Lissandra (13 games, 92% win rate)
7.  Zed (10 games, 80% win rate)
8.  Renekton (5 games, 80% win rate)
9.  Jinx (8 games, 75% win rate)
10.  Vi (20 games, 70% win rate)

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