Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A Guide to League Lingo, Part 2: Advanced Terms

Yesterday's article we talked a bit about the basic League lingo that you'd expect to see in those first few games.  Today, we're going to talk about some more "advanced" terms that you might see thrown around games or by the shoutcasters for League of Legends matches.

NOTE: I have NOT included terms that refer to vulgar language unrelated to the game.

AA - Auto attack.  Sometimes referred to as a basic attack, this is what happens when you right click on an enemy.

Aggro - When an enemy (typically a neutral monster or minion) decides to focus on attacking you.
Backdoor - While the rest of the enemy team is occupied on one side of the map, sneaking into the enemy base and destroying their Nexus.

Broken - An ability, item, or champion that is considered disproportionately powerful.

Burst - A large amount of damage done by a single character in a short period of time.

CDR - Cooldown Reduction, a statistic that is valuable to champions who need to use multiple abilities in a short period of time.

Counter Jungle - Invading the enemy's jungle and killing the large monsters in camps while leaving a small monster behind to prevent the camp from respawning.  This can be used as a strategy to deny the enemy team of a buff.

Debuff - The opposite of a buff, something that has detrimental side effects (perhaps a slow, silence, stun, or blind).

Dodge - To leave during champion select because the player couldn't get the role they wanted, or was afraid that the team would not win.

DoT - Damage over time.  An ability that continues to do damage after it was initially applied.

DPS - Damage per second.  This refers to the effective amount of damage a character can do per second.

Drag (Drake) - The dragon near the bottom lane.

Elo - A number that signifies the skill level of a player.

Face Check - To go into a potentially dangerous bush without any knowledge of what could be there.

Freezing Lane - A technique to control where a wave of minion stops in a lane so that a player can deny the opposing player farm.

Focus - A technique that has everyone on the team focus their abilities and damage on a single target.

Gap Closer - An ability that allows a champion to close to the gap between himself and the enemy.

Hard CC - Crowd Control abilities that break channels.

Hook (Pull) - An ability like Thresh's Death Sentence or Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab that pulls an enemy closer.

Inc - Incoming--usually to draw the team's awareness to an enemy that needs to be dealt with.

Initiate - An ability that is threatening enough to draw the attention of the enemy team and start a teamfight.  An example would be Leona's Zenith Blade that pulls her into the middle of the enemy team.

Instalock - Someone who picks a champion and locks in before there is any discussion.

Juke - Dodging a skillshot ability.

Kill Lane - A lane where both champions (typically the bottom lane) focus on killing enemy champions rather than farming.

Kite - Maintaining distance between your champion and an enemy champion that allows you to continuously do damage while leaving them unable to do so.

Knockback - Abilities that knock a champion backwards, like Tristana's Buster Shot.

Knockup - Abilities that knock a champion into the air, like Blitzcrank's Power Fist.

Lane Swap - Where the top and AD carry champions switch lanes, sometimes with or without the support.

Laning Phase - The initial phase of the game.  It typically lasts until the first 1-2 towers are taken down.  Laning Phase is followed by the Mid Game.

Map Awareness - How aware a player is of the mini-map, both of the vision of other players and their movements, and the absences of players (especially junglers).

Map Control - The process of distributing wards throughout the map to gain vision of enemy champions.

Meta - The current popular setup for team compositions based on what types of champions are strong.

Mid Game - A nebulous time period that begins after the laning phase ends, and ends as champions start to hit their "late game power spike", or the last significant damage increase champions have.

Nuke - An ability or group of abilities that do a lot of damage.

Overextending - Straying too far ahead of team members without the benefit of wards to determine whether it is a safe move.

Pen (ArPen/MPen) - Items and abilities that pierce through a flat amount or a percentage of armor or magic resist.

Poke - Long range abilities used with the intention of catching enemies out of position.

Pot - Potions, bought for 35 gold at the shop.

Proc - When a passive ability either of a champion or an item they have activates.

Rito - A misspelling of Riot, usually accompanied with complaints.

Root (Snare) - Abilities that prevent an enemy champion from moving.

Skillshot - An ability that requires the player to aim it instead of clicking on opponents.

Snowball - When a player gets significantly ahead of their opponents, typically by killing many enemy champions, to the point that they are difficult to kill.

Spam - To use a skill repeatedly, often without thought of the strategic use of that skill.

Split Push - After the laning phase, when a champion pushes back a lane without opposition from the enemy team.

Sustain - Abilities or natural stats that allow a champion to stay in lane without support from other champions.

Team Comp - The composition of a team, typically taking into consideration the synergy of their abilities.

Throw - To become so comfortable with a lead that team members take risks where they shouldn't.

Toxic - Someone who refuses to help the rest of the team, and instead berates their teammates.

TP - Teleport, a Summoner Spell that allows an enemy to teleport to a location after a brief delay.

Trading - Doing moderate damage back and forth between champions, typically during the laning phase.  The champion who wins a trade either does more damage to the enemy champion or secures more control over the lane.

Tri-bush - Usually refers to the bush directly below the dragon, but can also refer to its mirror above baron.

Zoning - Using the threat of potential damage to prevent the enemy from farming effectively.

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